Sound Baths

 Sound Baths are a type of inactive meditation, where you bathe in the healing vibrations of sound. You are surrounded by all kinds of sounds, vibrations and frequencies, which emanate from gongs, singing bowls, bells and chimes.

They can produce a range of effects including a form of NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) which can improve your focus, mental clarity, and memory retention. It can spark creativity, improved emotional regulation and self-awareness. It can lead to more restful night-time sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Sound baths have also been found in studies to be therapeutic, although never a replacement for appropriate medical care.

I use sound baths as part of my leadership development work. I  also enjoy organising local sound bath sessions for those in my local area (Warwickshire / West Mids).

Info about our next sound event

The quality of our lives is determined by our ability to respond to the varied, complex situations we encounter.

There are many reasons why you may want to get out of autopilot and respond to what's happening, rather than react. Being responsible, rather than reactive, becomes critical at a certain points in our lives, whether at home or work.

Slowing down the brain, allow new networks to form (and to be reinforced) makes adjusting to changing circumstance easier, more authentic and natural.

Logistically, the vibrations from the instruments meet what is happening for you in your body and mind that day.

Each experience may feel different.

The use of long, sustained soothing sounds at certain frequencies can encourage the slowing down of  brain waves.

This can produce a meditative effect, allowing thoughts and emotions to emerge that were not previously given space by our day to day, fast paced beta brain waves.

They can also allow for deep relaxation, and feel like a refreshing sleep.

Research Video

Blood results before and after a sound bath

Sound baths can affect both body and mind

Beyond its effects on the brain and our brain wave states...

The vibrations can affect our body, for example, the fascia around our muscles.

Studies have shown it may affect the flow of our blood (see video).

They can affect our nervous system promoting a calming effect.

Join our next sound bath

More local sound sessions planned for 2025

Plans are for a sound bath every couple of months. Exploring venues for 2025.  

We'll send you details when we have them.